Tell your state senator: Support the Better Bottle Bill

The Bottle Bill is our best recycling tool for reducing waste and litter from beverage containers. However, a lot has changed since the law passed in 1983, and it needs updating. The Better Bottle Bill brings us into the 21st century: It covers more types of containers (like water bottles, sports drinks, iced teas, "nips" and more -- many of which did not exist when the original law was passed) and increases the deposit, which hasn't changed in 40 years, from 5 cents to 10 cents.

To move the bill through the Senate, we need to get a majority of the 40 senators to support the bill. We currently have only 16. Help us get to 21 in the Senate by emailing your state senator to endorse the Better Bottle Bill.

Subject: Endorse the Better Bottle Bill